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القرآن الكريم / جزئها ٢٢ / صفحة ٤٣٢

Saba 32-39, Quran - Juz' 22 - Page 432

Juz'-22, Page-432 - Quran Recitation by Abu Bakr al Shatri
Juz'-22, Page-432 - Quran Recitation by Maher Al Mueaqly
Juz'-22, Page-432 - Quran Recitation by Mishary al Afasy
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قَالَ الَّذِينَ اسْتَكْبَرُوا لِلَّذِينَ اسْتُضْعِفُوا أَنَحْنُ صَدَدْنَاكُمْ عَنِ الْهُدَى بَعْدَ إِذْ جَاءكُم بَلْ كُنتُم مُّجْرِمِينَ ﴿٣٢﴾
34/Saba-32: Kealallazeenastakbaroo lillazeenastud’ifoo a naahnu saadadneakum aanil hudea baa’da iz ceaakum bal kuntum mucrimeen(mucrimeena).
Those who were arrogant said to those who were put down: “Did we turn you away from the Hidayet after it had come to you”? Nay, you (yourselves) were sinners (guilty). (32)
وَقَالَ الَّذِينَ اسْتُضْعِفُوا لِلَّذِينَ اسْتَكْبَرُوا بَلْ مَكْرُ اللَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ إِذْ تَأْمُرُونَنَا أَن نَّكْفُرَ بِاللَّهِ وَنَجْعَلَ لَهُ أَندَادًا وَأَسَرُّوا النَّدَامَةَ لَمَّا رَأَوُا الْعَذَابَ وَجَعَلْنَا الْأَغْلَالَ فِي أَعْنَاقِ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا هَلْ يُجْزَوْنَ إِلَّا مَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ ﴿٣٣﴾
34/Saba-33: Va kealallazeenastud’ifoo lillazeenastakbaroo bal makrul layli van naheari iz ta’muroonanea an nakfura billeahi va nac’aala lahoo andeadea(andeadan), va asarroon nadeamata lammea raaavool aazeab(aazeaba), va caaalnal aagleala fee aa’neakıllazeena kafaroo, hal yuczavna illea mea keanoo yaa’maloon(yaa’maloona).
And those who were put down said to those who were arrogant: “Nay, (your job was) plotting by night and day. You were ordering us to disbelieve in Allah and to set up equals to Him”. They conceal their regret when they see the torment. We put shackles on the necks of those who disbelieved. Do they get punished with anything except what they used to do? (33)
وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَا فِي قَرْيَةٍ مِّن نَّذِيرٍ إِلَّا قَالَ مُتْرَفُوهَا إِنَّا بِمَا أُرْسِلْتُم بِهِ كَافِرُونَ ﴿٣٤﴾
34/Saba-34: Va mea arsalnea fee kaaryatin min nazeerin illea keala mutrafoohea innea bimea ursiltum bihee keafiroon(keafiroona).
There is no place that We did not send a Warner. But those who led lives in ease (notables) of every country did not say anything but: “We are surely the disbelievers in what you are sent with”. (34)
وَقَالُوا نَحْنُ أَكْثَرُ أَمْوَالًا وَأَوْلَادًا وَمَا نَحْنُ بِمُعَذَّبِينَ ﴿٣٥﴾
34/Saba-35: Va kealoo naahnu aksaru amvealan va avleadan va mea naahnu bi muaazzabeen(muaazzabeena).
And they said: “We are more than you in wealth and children, and we shall not be tormented”. (35)
قُلْ إِنَّ رَبِّي يَبْسُطُ الرِّزْقَ لِمَن يَشَاء وَيَقْدِرُ وَلَكِنَّ أَكْثَرَ النَّاسِ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ ﴿٣٦﴾
34/Saba-36: Kul inna raabbee yabsutur rızkaa liman yasheau va yaakdiru va leakinna aksaran neasi lea yaa’lamoon(yaa’lamoona).
Say: “Surely my Lord enlarges the sustenance for whom He wills and straitens (for whom He wills), but most people do not know”. (36)
وَمَا أَمْوَالُكُمْ وَلَا أَوْلَادُكُم بِالَّتِي تُقَرِّبُكُمْ عِندَنَا زُلْفَى إِلَّا مَنْ آمَنَ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحًا فَأُوْلَئِكَ لَهُمْ جَزَاء الضِّعْفِ بِمَا عَمِلُوا وَهُمْ فِي الْغُرُفَاتِ آمِنُونَ ﴿٣٧﴾
34/Saba-37: Va mea amvealukum va lea avleadukum billatee tukaarribukum indanea zulfea illea man eamana va aamila sealihaan fa uleaika lahum cazeaud dı’fi bimea aamiloo va hum feel gurufeati eaminoon(eaminoona).
And your wealth or your children are not valuable enough to bring you to Our presence, except those who believe (who wish to reach Allah while they are living) and does improving deeds (does the soul’s cleansing). These it is for whom is a double reward for what they do, and they are the secure ones in high ranks. (37)
وَالَّذِينَ يَسْعَوْنَ فِي آيَاتِنَا مُعَاجِزِينَ أُوْلَئِكَ فِي الْعَذَابِ مُحْضَرُونَ ﴿٣٨﴾
34/Saba-38: Vallazeena yas’aavna fee eayeatinea mueacizeena uleaika feel aazeabi muhdaaroon(muhdaaroona).
And those who strive in rendering weak (invalid) Our Verses; they shall be present in the torment (for worse torment). (38)
قُلْ إِنَّ رَبِّي يَبْسُطُ الرِّزْقَ لِمَن يَشَاء مِنْ عِبَادِهِ وَيَقْدِرُ لَهُ وَمَا أَنفَقْتُم مِّن شَيْءٍ فَهُوَ يُخْلِفُهُ وَهُوَ خَيْرُ الرَّازِقِينَ ﴿٣٩﴾
34/Saba-39: Kul inna raabbee yabsutur rızkaa li man yasheau min ibeadihee va yaakdiru lah(lahu), va mea anfaaktum min shayin fa huva yuhlifuh(yuhlifuhu), va huva haayrur reazikeen(reazikeena).
Say: “Surely my Lord enlarges the sustenance for whom He wills of His servants and straitens (for whom He wills), and whatsoever you spend for His sake, (then) He replaces it, and He is the Best of the providers. (39)