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القرآن الكريم / جزئها ٧ / صفحة ١٢٥

Al-Ma'idah 104-108, Quran - Juz' 7 - Page 125

Juz'-7, Page-125 - Quran Recitation by Abu Bakr al Shatri
Juz'-7, Page-125 - Quran Recitation by Maher Al Mueaqly
Juz'-7, Page-125 - Quran Recitation by Mishary al Afasy
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وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ تَعَالَوْاْ إِلَى مَا أَنزَلَ اللّهُ وَإِلَى الرَّسُولِ قَالُواْ حَسْبُنَا مَا وَجَدْنَا عَلَيْهِ آبَاءنَا أَوَلَوْ كَانَ آبَاؤُهُمْ لاَ يَعْلَمُونَ شَيْئًا وَلاَ يَهْتَدُونَ ﴿١٠٤﴾
5/Al-Ma'idah-104: Va izea keela lahum taealav ilea mea anzalaalleahu va ilear rasoolee kealoo haasbunea mea vacadnea aalayhi eabeaanea a va lav keana eabeauhum lea yaa’lamoona shay’an va lea yahtadoon(yahtadoona).
And when it is said to them: “Come to what Allah has sent down (the Qur'ân) and to the Messenger (to obey him)”, they say: “That (religion) on which we found our fathers is sufficient (enough) for us”. What! Even though their fathers knew nothing (concerning these truths) and did not attain to Guidance? (104)
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ عَلَيْكُمْ أَنفُسَكُمْ لاَ يَضُرُّكُم مَّن ضَلَّ إِذَا اهْتَدَيْتُمْ إِلَى اللّهِ مَرْجِعُكُمْ جَمِيعًا فَيُنَبِّئُكُم بِمَا كُنتُمْ تَعْمَلُونَ ﴿١٠٥﴾
5/Al-Ma'idah-105: Yea ayyuheallazeena eamanoo aalaykum anfusakum, lea yaadurrukum man daalla izeahtadaytum, ilealleahi marciukum cameeean fa yunabbiukum bimea kuntum taa’maloon(taa’maloona).
O you who believe (who are âmenû)! Your souls are upon you (the responsibility of your souls are upon you). He who is in Misguidance cannot harm you if you are on the Guidance. To Allah is your return all together. And then He will inform you of what you used to do. (105)
يِا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ شَهَادَةُ بَيْنِكُمْ إِذَا حَضَرَ أَحَدَكُمُ الْمَوْتُ حِينَ الْوَصِيَّةِ اثْنَانِ ذَوَا عَدْلٍ مِّنكُمْ أَوْ آخَرَانِ مِنْ غَيْرِكُمْ إِنْ أَنتُمْ ضَرَبْتُمْ فِي الأَرْضِ فَأَصَابَتْكُم مُّصِيبَةُ الْمَوْتِ تَحْبِسُونَهُمَا مِن بَعْدِ الصَّلاَةِ فَيُقْسِمَانِ بِاللّهِ إِنِ ارْتَبْتُمْ لاَ نَشْتَرِي بِهِ ثَمَنًا وَلَوْ كَانَ ذَا قُرْبَى وَلاَ نَكْتُمُ شَهَادَةَ اللّهِ إِنَّا إِذًا لَّمِنَ الآثِمِينَ ﴿١٠٦﴾
5/Al-Ma'idah-106: Yea ayyuheallazeena eamanoo shaheadatu baynikum izea haadaaraa ahaadakumul mavtu heenal vaasiyyatisneani zavea aadlin minkum av eahaareani min gaayrikum in antum daaraabtum feel aardı fa aseabatkum museebatul mavt(mavti) taahbisoonahumea min baa’dis saaleati fa yukseemeani billeahi in irtabtum lea nashtaree bihee samanan va lav keana zea kurbea va lea naktumu shaheadataalleahi innea izan la minal easimeen(easimeena).
O you who believe (who are âmenû)! When (the state of) death draws nigh to one of you, at the time of bequest, let two just men from among you bear witness between you. Or if death befalls you while you are travelling in the land, call to witness the two men who are not of you. You should detain them after the prayer; if you doubt. They shall both swear by Allah saying: We will not take for it a price, even though it was a near kinsman, and we will not hide the testimony of Allah. Otherwise certainly we should be of the sinful. (106)
فَإِنْ عُثِرَ عَلَى أَنَّهُمَا اسْتَحَقَّا إِثْمًا فَآخَرَانِ يِقُومَانُ مَقَامَهُمَا مِنَ الَّذِينَ اسْتَحَقَّ عَلَيْهِمُ الأَوْلَيَانِ فَيُقْسِمَانِ بِاللّهِ لَشَهَادَتُنَا أَحَقُّ مِن شَهَادَتِهِمَا وَمَا اعْتَدَيْنَا إِنَّا إِذًا لَّمِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ ﴿١٠٧﴾
5/Al-Ma'idah-107: Fa in usira aalea annahumeastahaakkea isman fa eahaareani yakoomeani maakeamahumea minallazeenastahaakkaa aalayhimul avlayeani fa yukseemeani billeahi la shaheadatunea ahaakku min shaheadatihimea va mea’tadaynea, innea izan la minaz zealimeen(zealimeena).
Then if it becomes known that they both have been guilty of sin, let two others stand in their place who are foremost in claim from those who have a lawful right, and they swear by Allah saying: “Certainly our testimony is truer than the testimony of those two, and We have not exceeded the limit”. Otherwise most surely we should be of the wrongdoers. (107)
ذَلِكَ أَدْنَى أَن يَأْتُواْ بِالشَّهَادَةِ عَلَى وَجْهِهَا أَوْ يَخَافُواْ أَن تُرَدَّ أَيْمَانٌ بَعْدَ أَيْمَانِهِمْ وَاتَّقُوا اللّهَ وَاسْمَعُواْ وَاللّهُ لاَ يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الْفَاسِقِينَ ﴿١٠٨﴾
5/Al-Ma'idah-108: Zealika adnea an ya’too bish shaheadati aalea vachihea av yaheafoo an turaadda aymeanun baa’da aymeanihim vattakoolleaha vasmaoo vaalleahu lea yahdil kaavmal feasikeen(feasikeena).
This (kind of oath) is more proper than the fact that they come face to face with the testimony (that the inheritors do not trust in the witnesses) or fear that the oaths will be refused after their oaths. And have piety (takwâ) towards Allah and listen. And Allah does not guide the Al-Fasiqûn. (108)