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القرآن الكريم / جزئها ١٧ / صفحة ٣٢٧

Al-Anbiya 58-72, Quran - Juz' 17 - Page 327

Juz'-17, Page-327 - Quran Recitation by Abu Bakr al Shatri
Juz'-17, Page-327 - Quran Recitation by Maher Al Mueaqly
Juz'-17, Page-327 - Quran Recitation by Mishary al Afasy
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فَجَعَلَهُمْ جُذَاذًا إِلَّا كَبِيرًا لَّهُمْ لَعَلَّهُمْ إِلَيْهِ يَرْجِعُونَ ﴿٥٨﴾
21/Al-Anbiya-58: Fa caaalahum cuzeazan illea kabeeran lahum laaallahum ilayhi yarcioon(yarcioona).
Then he broke them into pieces, except the large one of them, that haply they may return to it. (58)
قَالُوا مَن فَعَلَ هَذَا بِآلِهَتِنَا إِنَّهُ لَمِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ ﴿٥٩﴾
21/Al-Anbiya-59: Kealoo man faaala heazea bi ealihatinea innahu la minaz zealimeen(zealimeena).
They said: “Who has done this to our gods? Most surely he is one of the wrong-doers”. (59)
قَالُوا سَمِعْنَا فَتًى يَذْكُرُهُمْ يُقَالُ لَهُ إِبْرَاهِيمُ ﴿٦٠﴾
21/Al-Anbiya-60: Kealoo sami’nea fatan yazkuruhum yukealu lahoo ibreaheem(ibreaheemu).
They said: “We heard a youth called Abraham speak of them”. (60)
قَالُوا فَأْتُوا بِهِ عَلَى أَعْيُنِ النَّاسِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَشْهَدُونَ ﴿٦١﴾
21/Al-Anbiya-61: Kealoo fa’too bihee aalea aa’yunin neasi laaallahum yashhadoon(yashhadoona).
They said: “Then bring him before the eyes of the people, perhaps they may bear witness”. (61)
قَالُوا أَأَنتَ فَعَلْتَ هَذَا بِآلِهَتِنَا يَا إِبْرَاهِيمُ ﴿٦٢﴾
21/Al-Anbiya-62: Kealoo a anta faaalta heazea bi ealihatinea yea ibraaheem(ibraaheemu).
They said: “Have you done this to our gods, Abraham”? (62)
قَالَ بَلْ فَعَلَهُ كَبِيرُهُمْ هَذَا فَاسْأَلُوهُمْ إِن كَانُوا يَنطِقُونَ ﴿٦٣﴾
21/Al-Anbiya-63: Keala bal faaalahu kabeeruhum heazea fas’aloohum in keanoo yantıkoon(yantıkoona).
(Abraham) said: “Nay, this one, who is their chief has done it. Go ahead and ask them, if they (can) speak”. (63)
فَرَجَعُوا إِلَى أَنفُسِهِمْ فَقَالُوا إِنَّكُمْ أَنتُمُ الظَّالِمُونَ ﴿٦٤﴾
21/Al-Anbiya-64: Fa racaoo ilea anfusihim fa kealoo innakum antumuz zealimoon(zealimoona).
So they turned to themselves and said: “Surely you yourselves are the wrong-doers”. (64)
ثُمَّ نُكِسُوا عَلَى رُؤُوسِهِمْ لَقَدْ عَلِمْتَ مَا هَؤُلَاء يَنطِقُونَ ﴿٦٥﴾
21/Al-Anbiya-65: Summa nukisoo aalea ruoosihim, lakaad aalimta mea heauleai yantıkoon(yantıkoona).
Then their heads were hang down (and they said to Abraham): “Certainly you know that they do not speak”. (65)
قَالَ أَفَتَعْبُدُونَ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ مَا لَا يَنفَعُكُمْ شَيْئًا وَلَا يَضُرُّكُمْ ﴿٦٦﴾
21/Al-Anbiya-66: Keala a fa taa’budoona min doonilleahi mea lea yanfaukum shay’an va lea yaadurrukum.
(Abraham) said: “Do you still then serve besides Allah what does not bring you any benefit nor does it harm you at all”? (66)
أُفٍّ لَّكُمْ وَلِمَا تَعْبُدُونَ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ أَفَلَا تَعْقِلُونَ ﴿٦٧﴾
21/Al-Anbiya-67: Uffin lakum va li mea taa’budoona min doonilleah(doonilleahi), a fa lea taa’kıloon(taa’kıloona).
Fie on you and on what you worship besides Allah. Do you not then still use your intelligence”? (67)
قَالُوا حَرِّقُوهُ وَانصُرُوا آلِهَتَكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ فَاعِلِينَ ﴿٦٨﴾
21/Al-Anbiya-68: Kealoo haarrikoohu vaansuroo ealihatakum in kuntum feaıleen(feaıleena).
They said: “Burn him (Abraham) and help your gods, if you are going to do (anything)”. (68)
قُلْنَا يَا نَارُ كُونِي بَرْدًا وَسَلَامًا عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ ﴿٦٩﴾
21/Al-Anbiya-69: Kulnea yea nearu koonee bardan va saleaman aalea ibraaheem(ibraaheema).
We said: “O fire! Be cool and peaceful (safe) for Abraham”. (69)
وَأَرَادُوا بِهِ كَيْدًا فَجَعَلْنَاهُمُ الْأَخْسَرِينَ ﴿٧٠﴾
21/Al-Anbiya-70: Va areadoo bihee kaydan fa caaalnea humul aahsareen(aahsareena).
And they wished to snare him, but We caused them to fall into a greater Loss. (70)
وَنَجَّيْنَاهُ وَلُوطًا إِلَى الْأَرْضِ الَّتِي بَارَكْنَا فِيهَا لِلْعَالَمِينَ ﴿٧١﴾
21/Al-Anbiya-71: Va naccayneahu va lootaan ilal aardıllatee bearaaknea feehea lil ealameen(ealameena).
And We delivered him as well as Lot to the land which We had blessed within the worlds. (71)
وَوَهَبْنَا لَهُ إِسْحَقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ نَافِلَةً وَكُلًّا جَعَلْنَا صَالِحِينَ ﴿٧٢﴾
21/Al-Anbiya-72: Va vahabnea lahu isheak(isheakaa), va yaa’kooba neafilah(neafilatan), va kullan caaalnea sealiheen(sealiheena).
And We bestowed upon him Isaac and Jacob in addition and We made each of them Salihîn (the pure ones). (72)