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القرآن الكريم / جزئها ٦ / صفحة ١٠٢

An-Nisa 148-154, Quran - Juz' 6 - Page 102

Juz'-6, Page-102 - Quran Recitation by Abu Bakr al Shatri
Juz'-6, Page-102 - Quran Recitation by Maher Al Mueaqly
Juz'-6, Page-102 - Quran Recitation by Mishary al Afasy
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لاَّ يُحِبُّ اللّهُ الْجَهْرَ بِالسُّوَءِ مِنَ الْقَوْلِ إِلاَّ مَن ظُلِمَ وَكَانَ اللّهُ سَمِيعًا عَلِيمًا ﴿١٤٨﴾
4/An-Nisa-148: Lea yuhibbulleahul cahraa bis sooi minal kaavli illea man zulim(zulima). Va kaanaalleahu sameeaan aaleemea(aaleeman).
Allah does not love the public utterance of hurtful speech except by one who has been wronged. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (148)
إِن تُبْدُواْ خَيْرًا أَوْ تُخْفُوهُ أَوْ تَعْفُواْ عَن سُوَءٍ فَإِنَّ اللّهَ كَانَ عَفُوًّا قَدِيرًا ﴿١٤٩﴾
4/An-Nisa-149: In tubdoo haayraan av tuhfoohu av taa’foo aan sooin fa innaalleaha keana aafuvvan kaadeerea(kaadeeraan).
If you reveal good or conceal it or pardon an offense, then surely Allah is Oft-Pardoning, All-Powerful. (149)
إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَكْفُرُونَ بِاللّهِ وَرُسُلِهِ وَيُرِيدُونَ أَن يُفَرِّقُواْ بَيْنَ اللّهِ وَرُسُلِهِ وَيقُولُونَ نُؤْمِنُ بِبَعْضٍ وَنَكْفُرُ بِبَعْضٍ وَيُرِيدُونَ أَن يَتَّخِذُواْ بَيْنَ ذَلِكَ سَبِيلاً ﴿١٥٠﴾
4/An-Nisa-150: Innallazeena yakfuroona billeahi va rusulihee va yureedoona an yufarrikoo baynaalleahi va rusulihee va yakooloona nu’minu bi baa’din va nakfuru bi baa’dın, va yureedoona an yattahızoo bayna zealika sabeelea(sabeelan).
Surely those who disbelieve in Allah and His Messengers and wish to make distinction between Allah and His Messengers. And say: “We believe in some and reject others. And wish to take a way in between (belief and disbelief)”. (150)
أُوْلَئِكَ هُمُ الْكَافِرُونَ حَقًّا وَأَعْتَدْنَا لِلْكَافِرِينَ عَذَابًا مُّهِينًا ﴿١٥١﴾
4/An-Nisa-151: Uleaika humul keafiroona haakkea(haakkaan), va aa’tadnea lil keafireena aazeaban muheenea(muheenan).
Those are the true disbelievers, and We have prepared for the disbelievers a disgraceful torment. (151)
وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ بِاللّهِ وَرُسُلِهِ وَلَمْ يُفَرِّقُواْ بَيْنَ أَحَدٍ مِّنْهُمْ أُوْلَئِكَ سَوْفَ يُؤْتِيهِمْ أُجُورَهُمْ وَكَانَ اللّهُ غَفُورًا رَّحِيمًا ﴿١٥٢﴾
4/An-Nisa-152: Vallazeena eamanoo billeahi va rusulihee va lam yufarrikoo bayna ahaadin minhum uleaika savfa yu’teehim ucooraahum. Va keanaalleahu gaafooraan raaheemea(raaheeman).
And those who believe in Allah and His Messengers and do not make a distinction between any of them. Their rewards will be given to them soon; and Allah is Oft-Forgiving (the One who changes sins into merits) and the Most Merciful (manifests Himself with His Merciful attribute). (152)
يَسْأَلُكَ أَهْلُ الْكِتَابِ أَن تُنَزِّلَ عَلَيْهِمْ كِتَابًا مِّنَ السَّمَاء فَقَدْ سَأَلُواْ مُوسَى أَكْبَرَ مِن ذَلِكَ فَقَالُواْ أَرِنَا اللّهِ جَهْرَةً فَأَخَذَتْهُمُ الصَّاعِقَةُ بِظُلْمِهِمْ ثُمَّ اتَّخَذُواْ الْعِجْلَ مِن بَعْدِ مَا جَاءتْهُمُ الْبَيِّنَاتُ فَعَفَوْنَا عَن ذَلِكَ وَآتَيْنَا مُوسَى سُلْطَانًا مُّبِينًا ﴿١٥٣﴾
4/An-Nisa-153: Yas’aluka ahlul kiteabi an tunazzila aalayhim kiteaban minas sameai fa kaad saaloo moosea akbaraa min zealika fa kealoo arinealleaha cahraatan fa ahaazathumus seaikaatu bi zulmihim, summattahaazool ıcla min baa’di mea ceaathumul bayyineatu fa aafavnea aan zealik(zealika), va eataynea moosea sulteanan mubeenea(mubeenan).
The People of the Scripture ask you to bring down to them a book from the heaven. Yet indeed they demanded from Moses a greater thing than that, when they said: “Show us Allah outright”. The thunderbolt overtook (destroyed) them on account of their injustice. Then they took the calf (for a god) after clear arguments (miracles) had come to them; but We still pardoned them; and We gave Moses a clear authority (Sultan). (153)
وَرَفَعْنَا فَوْقَهُمُ الطُّورَ بِمِيثَاقِهِمْ وَقُلْنَا لَهُمُ ادْخُلُواْ الْبَابَ سُجَّدًا وَقُلْنَا لَهُمْ لاَ تَعْدُواْ فِي السَّبْتِ وَأَخَذْنَا مِنْهُم مِّيثَاقًا غَلِيظًا ﴿١٥٤﴾
4/An-Nisa-154: Va raafaa’nea favkaahumut tooraa bi meeseakıhim va kulnea lahumudhulool beaba succadan va kulnea lahum lea taa’doo fees sabti va ahaaznea minhum meeseakaan gaaleezea(gaaleezaan).
And We lifted over them the Tur (Mount Sinai) for their covenant and We said to them: “Enter through this gate prostrating”. And We said to them: “Do not exceed the limits of the Saturday (Sabbath)” and We took from them a firm covenant. (154)