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Al-An'am-20, Surah The Cattles Verse-20

6/Al-An'am-20 - Quran Recitation by Abu Bakr al Shatri
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Al-An'am-20, Surah The Cattles Verse-20

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سورة الأنعام

Surah Al-An'am

Bismillaah ir rahmaan ir raheem

الَّذِينَ آتَيْنَاهُمُ الْكِتَابَ يَعْرِفُونَهُ كَمَا يَعْرِفُونَ أَبْنَاءهُمُ الَّذِينَ خَسِرُواْ أَنفُسَهُمْ فَهُمْ لاَ يُؤْمِنُونَ ﴿٢٠﴾
6/Al-An'am-20: Allazeena eatayneahumul kiteaba yaa’rifoonahu kamea yaa’rifoona abneaahum allazeena haasiroo anfusahum fa hum lea yu’minoon(yu’minoona).

Imam Iskender Ali Mihr

Those whom We have given the Book recognize him as they recognize their sons. Those who do not believe have failed their souls.

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

Those whom We have vouchsafed the Book recognise him even as they recognise their own children. Yet those who have lost themselves will not believe.

Ali Quli Qarai

Those whom We have given the Book recognize him just as they recognize their sons. Those who have ruined their souls will not have faith.

Ali Unal

Those who were given the Book (before) know him (the Messenger with all his distinguishing attributes) as they know their own sons; yet those who ruin their own selves (by concealing this truth, being overcome by their lusts and worldly interests) – they do not believe.

Ahmed Ali

Those to whom We have given the Book know it distinctly as they know their sons; but those who are lost of soul do not believe.

Ahmed Raza Khan

The people to whom We gave the Book(s) recognise this Prophet (Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him) as they recognise their own sons; those who put their own souls to ruin, do not accept faith.

Amatul Rahman Omar

Those whom We have given this perfect Book recognise him (-the Prophet Muhammad) as they recognise their own sons. Yet those who have lost their souls will not believe.

Arthur John Arberry

Those to whom We have given the Book recognize it as they recognize their sons. Those who have lost their own souls, they do not believe.

Hamid Aziz

Who is more unjust than he who forges against Allah a lie, or denies His revelations? Verily, the unjust shall not prosper.

Hilali & Khan

Those to whom We have given the Scripture (Jews and Christians) recognize him (i.e. Muhammad SAW as a Messenger of Allah, and they also know that there is no Ilah (God) but Allah and Islam is Allah's Religion), as they recognize their own sons. Those who destroy themselves will not believe. (Tafsir At-Tabari)

Maulana Muhammad Ali

Say: What thing is the weightiest in testimony? Say: Allah is witness between you and me. And this Qur’an has been revealed to me that with it I may warn you and whomsoever it reaches. Do you really bear witness that there are other gods with Allah? Say: I bear not witness. Say: He is only One God, and surely I am innocent that which you set up (with Him).

Mohammed Habib Shakir

Those whom We have given the Book recognize him as they recognize their sons; (as for) those who have lost their souls, they will not believe.

Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall

Those unto whom We gave the Scripture recognise (this revelation) as they recognise their sons. Those who ruin their own souls will not believe.

Muhammad Sarwar

The People of the Book know him (Muhammad) just as well as they know their own children, but those who have lost their souls will not believe.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Those to whom We have given the Book know him (Prophet Muhammad) as they know their own children. But those who have lost their own souls do not believe.

Saheeh International

Those to whom We have given the Scripture recognize it as they recognize their [own] sons. Those who will lose themselves [in the Hereafter] do not believe.

Shah Faridul Haque

The people to whom We gave the Book(s) recognise this Prophet (Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him) as they recognise their own sons; those who put their own souls to ruin, do not accept faith.

Talal Itani

Those to whom We have given the Book recognize it as they recognize their own children; but those who have lost their souls do not believe.

Wahiduddin Khan

Those to whom We have given the Scriptures know this as they know their own sons. But those who have ruined their souls will not believe.

Yusuf Ali

Those to whom We have given the Book know this as they know their own sons. Those who have lost their own souls refuse therefore to believe.